Moving beyond just friends...

     Experience all the good things already present in the relationship—don’t worry about trying to stir up more feelings.
     Most people should be so fortunate. But it sounds like you’re wondering what might be next for your relationship, or what it might look like to take things to the next level. The first thing you should do is have a talk with her about what it would mean for you to start “dating” each other. Does that mean you’re going to start spending more time together? Committing to being exclusive with each other? You both might have entirely different ideas about what a dating relationship would look like. By “exclusive dating” you are telling each other—“I’m yours.” But don’t fall into the trap that thinks being physical with each other needs to be the next step. Almost all heavily sexual dating relationships self-destruct.

     Don’t forget to keep having fun. Sometimes when you start “dating” the relationship can feel heavy and serious—all the more reason to remind yourself of how much you enjoy just being with each other. And most importantly, keep communicating with each other. Make a pact with each other that if at any time one of you feels uncomfortable, you will talk about it, and make adjustments to fix what is causing the discomfort. Take your time with all this, and experience all the good things already present in the relationship—don’t worry about trying to stir up more feelings by calling it a “dating” relationship. Be happy with the great thing the two of you already have.
     But don’t fall into the trap that thinks being physical with each other needs to be the next step.
Having a great friend is priceless. But you’re probably wondering how to turn a good friend into a boyfriend. The reality is that not everyone you’re attracted to as a friend is going to be attracted to you. You can’t control who is attracted to you, but you can control how attractive you are.

      Guys are attracted to a girl who takes care of herself, someone who is confident, yet still takes time to show she respects and encourages him. Most guys like a girl who works to make herself more beautiful—both inside and out.
     Live life to the fullest. This will make you even more attractive.

     Sometimes a girl can put so much energy into trying to show a guy how much she likes him that she appears to not have much of a life outside of her desire to be in a relationship. This is definitely a turn-off to both sexes. Guys like girls with a bit of mystery about them. They like a challenge. Guys usually don’t want the girl that everyone can have—so don’t trap your friend into making him want to have a dating relationship with you.

     Keep paying attention to the people around you. But more importantly, live life to the fullest. This will make you even more attractive.
     Sometimes a girl can put so much energy into trying to show a guy how much she likes him that she appears to not have much of a life outside of her desire to be in a relationship.