Consequences of cutting...

     It is not easy, or pretty. But neither is cancer, and we deal with it everyday. Cutting is a nasty, horrific addiction. There is nothing quite like it, short of suicide. Though most cutters would claim they don’t want to kill themselves, they just like the sight of their blood, and the high it brings. Spending hours locked in the bathroom at home, or on the floor of a dirty bathroom stall, the cutter carries her precious tools with her wherever she goes—ready at any time to take matters into her own hands. To relieve the emotional pressure and pain she can’t describe, she resorts to slicing into her own skin. The dripping blood reminds her she’s still alive. No one to talk to, she settles for self-injury. The blade is her fake friend. The shame and the scars, her constant companions. Just trying to find her way through the rocky road of life, she can’t help but turn inward.
     I don’t want to be anything but compassionate toward someone caught in the struggle of cutting. But there is a time when it’s necessary to call it what it is—and expose the destructive consequences of cutting.
     1) Paralyzing, Emotional Pain

     No one cuts to end up paralyzed in their own emotional pain. But somewhere down the road, that’s where they find themselves.
     2) A Body Full of Ugly Scars

     One has to wonder how many countless hours and schemes cutters use to hide their physical scars—permanent reminders of their tragic mistakes.
     3) A Sick Web of Addiction

     Most cutters never intend to become addicted to it. Cutting can be more addicting and worse then drugs. Cutting can easily become a compulsive behavior, meaning the more you do it, the more you feel the need to do it. Your brain starts to connect the false sense of relief from bad feelings with cutting. The next time you feel the pressure building, your brain craves this relief. The urge to cut can seem too hard to resist. Your attempt to feel a sense of control over your life has ended up controlling you.